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New for 2019
Field of Honor Committee Announces Schedule for Speaker Series

Next Rung - Our goal is to provide resources to help combat the mental health issues that plague Fire, EMS, and Police personnel.

Luis Rivera - His passion is connecting with veterans that are losing hope and need a brother to come alongside.
The Mighty Oaks Foundation

The U.S. Flag code states that, “the flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Thus, when a flag is torn and tattered beyond repair, it’s time for it to be retired.
Flags may be dropped off at the field prior to the ceremony.

25 years have passed since the closing of Castle Air Base. Remember those days when flights passed over Merced on a regular basis? Want to meet colleagues from days past? This is your opportunity!
Featuring the USAF Band of the Golden West!
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